Learning to listen for optimal health

Hi! I am Brady. I am a certified Holistic Nutritionist and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. I am so excited that you are here! I help busy women re-connect to their bodies to lose weight, clear skin, heal the gut, prevent chronic disease, and feel better! I want to free women from a life of diets to a life filled with better food choices to bring you the best most well balanced body yet.

My passion is helping women balance mind, body and spirit through real, whole foods, physical activity, and mind healing practices. The art of learning to listen to your body can be difficult, and sometimes we need some guidance and support to help us reconnect. This judgement free space is where I share my methods of wellness and share tips on how to listen to that amazing, beautiful body of yours!

Love to all,

Brady sig white

Meet Brady Godfrey

For as long as I remember I have been passionate about how the body works and how to keep one’s body balanced and healthy

How I Roll

I believe in today’s culture we overcomplicate health and wellness.

New On The Blog

Lack of “Perfection” Does not Equal Weakness

Lack of “Perfection” Does not Equal Weakness

I hear and see this all day. It is nearly unavoidable, this portrayal of perfection. Whether you see it on a perfectly curated Instagram reel, overhear parents sharing how perfect their children are, or seeing airbrush pictures on magazines. We are surrounded by the...

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You Can’t Copy Your Way to Health

You Can’t Copy Your Way to Health

In a world of instant gratification, especially around weight loss, it can be difficult to trust the process and stay in your lane. For the past 17 years during my wellness career there has been a constant over those years and that is people want to have the same...

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Why Should I Listen To You?

I recently had a family member in complete jest say " Why would I listen to you, I have seen how your kids eat". Now to clarify he was joking and he sees my boys at holidays where there is more sugar and processed foods, but he also sees them eat a ton of whole...

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How I've Helped

Personally, Brady helped me look at my daily schedule to determine how I could ensure that exercise and healthy eating choices would be a priority.  When my schedule included working ten hours a day, taking children to various sport practices, providing dinner and house hold responsibilities, she encouraged me to use the time during practices for walking and meditation for myself in order to make my personal well-being a priority.

Regina Urueta 

Brady Godfrey

Regina Urueta 

Personally, Brady helped me look at my daily schedule to determine how I could ensure that exercise and healthy eating choices would be a priority.  When my schedule included working ten hours a day, taking children to various sport practices, providing dinner and house hold responsibilities, she encouraged me to use the time during practices for walking and meditation for myself in order to make my personal well-being a priority.
I am so happy that I was able to find Brady Godfrey. At the time when I first heard about Brady, I was spinning out of control.  I had been on many many diets, I lost weight but of course, never kept it off. . Brady is the first person I have ever worked with that did not focus on my weight. She talked about my health, my purpose and my happiness.

Beth Bradley  | Co-Host of The Ellis and Bradley Show

Brady Godfrey

Beth Bradley  | Co-Host of The Ellis and Bradley Show

I am so happy that I was able to find Brady Godfrey. At the time when I first heard about Brady, I was spinning out of control.  I had been on many many diets, I lost weight but of course, never kept it off. . Brady is the first person I have ever worked with that did not focus on my weight. She talked about my health, my purpose and my happiness.
Brady is a game changer! She took time to understand my needs, my body and my current situation. She designed a plan that was super easy to follow and not time consuming or too restrictive. I have tried a lot of diets and this one has been the easiest one yet. Not only am I down 10 lbs but I feel better!

Megan Heidelberg | Host of Your Carolina

Brady Godfrey

Megan Heidelberg | Host of Your Carolina

Brady is a game changer! She took time to understand my needs, my body and my current situation. She designed a plan that was super easy to follow and not time consuming or too restrictive. I have tried a lot of diets and this one has been the easiest one yet. Not only am I down 10 lbs but I feel better!
Brady Godfrey

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The information on this site is provided for informational purposes only and should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The use of any recipes, recommendations or information contained on this site is solely at your own risk and the author is not responsible for any adverse reactions, loss, or damage allegedly arising from the use of any information on this site. Any views or opinions represented on this site are personal and belong solely to the author and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations unless otherwise stated.