5 Reasons you need a Health Coach
The health of Americans is steadily declining despite the amount of money spent on health care, medicine, gym memberships and diet programs.
Chances are if you are reading this you have tried the latest diet fad and exercise regimen, but what if you could ditch those fads and adopt a more sustainable approach to diet and exercise.
So what will help you start making healthy choices and adopt a healthier lifestyle?. Not a what but a who! A health coach will listen to you and guide you in making choices in food and nutrition that will improve your health once and for all.
Here are the top 5 reasons you need a health coach now:
- You don’t understand why you have gained the weight.
Over the years the extra few pounds have stayed on you, but you are not eating or exercising differently. There are many dietary changes that you need, but you don’t know where to start. A health coach will help you identify the small changes that you can make today to start seeing big results. - You have cravings
- All you want to do is lose weight, so you choose the “new it” Diet
- You don’t have time!
- You struggle with what to eat?
You feel like you have no control over these cravings and feel completely out of control with your eating. A health coach will help you identify the cause of the cravings and teach you tools to help beat those cravings.
Strict diets don’t work. If you severely restrict yourself, lose the weight, then when you leave that diet you do not know how to eat and you end of gaining all the weight back. A health coach will guide you through making healthy choices for your specific needs.
If you feel like you do not have time for yourself to exercise and to manage your nutrition, a health coach will help you find time in your schedule to make small changes that have big results.
How in the world do I know what to eat? If this is a question you ask yourself then a health coach can help you make those decisions. Health coaches are trained in over 100 dietetic theories. A health coach will help you determine what foods will work for your specific needs.
If you can related to any of these reasons, then find a health coach near you. Search Integrative Nutrition coach to find an INN certified coach near you!